05 May 5 signs you’ve found a first-class strata manager
There are a lot of strata managers out there. But how can you tell the duds from the dependables? To guide you in the right direction, here are five signs you have found the right one!
1. They have ample experience
Valuable experience comes from mistakes – and the ability to learn from those mistakes. That’s why a company with significant years under their belt will be better-oiled, with richer expertise to draw upon.
On top of asking how long the company has been active, find out how many years’ experience the specific people within the business have (i.e. those who will be managing your property).
2. They’ve got the right qualifications
At a minimum, professional owners corporation managers must be registered with the Business Licensing Authority.
While no other formal qualifications are required, better firms undertake rigorous training and continuing professional development under bodies such as Strata Community Australia (SCA) and Real Estate Institute of Victoria (REIV).
That said, several Turnbull Cook team members are now undertaking the recently introduced Certificate IV in Strata Community Management.
3. Their strata managers handle few properties
What’s the ratio of buildings/lots for each strata manager? The lower the ratio, the higher the level of service.
Why? It’s simple. Strata managers who are responsible for fewer properties will have more time for you – which means a more attentive service.
4. They care about their customer charter
A customer charter outlines how a company promises to work with its customers.
This is a relatively new initiative employed by strata managers. And what does it demonstrate? A company’s commitment to delivering a high-quality service – above all.
5. They’re critical when it comes to contracts
It happens too often. Strata managers taking the easy, purely compliant route in contracts – such as insurance and utilities.
While there isn’t anything necessarily wrong with this, it’s not the hallmark of a superior strata manager. A top-rate owners corporation company will go beyond mere compliance. They’ll take the time to actively check contracts and bills – and challenge them where you’re not getting the highest value.